#include "gmp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdarg.h"
typedef unsigned long int ulongint;
class Curve383187{// Curve383187:: y2 = x3 + 229969 * x2 + x mod p
private: static const BigInteger p;// divider for modulus number is a prime number, it is a bitInt. p = 2383 - 187
struct modNumber : BigInteger {// class extend from BigInteger, re-define operator + - * / ^ for modulus operation
modNumber() : BigInteger( ) { }
modNumber(const BigInteger &num) : BigInteger(num.z) { }// convert BigInteger to modNumber
modNumber(const char *s, int b=10): BigInteger(s, b) { }// default base 10 is convenient for ECC
modNumber operator + (modNumber a) { return add(a).mod(p); }
modNumber operator - (modNumber a) { return sub(a).mod(p); }
modNumber operator * (modNumber a) { return mul(a).mod(p); }
modNumber operator / (modNumber a) { return mul(a.modinv(p)).mod(p); }
modNumber operator ^ (ulongint e) { return pwr(e).mod(p); }
modNumber operator * (ulongint e) { return mul(e).mod(p); }
modNumber a, b, x, y;
public :
Curve383187(BigInteger key = BigInteger("1")) {// key is a scalar
a = modNumber("229969");
b = modNumber("1");
x = modNumber("5");
y = modNumber("4759238150142744228328102229734187233490253962521130945928672202662038422584867624507245060283757321006861735839455");
if( key != 1 ) scale(modNumber(key));
bool isPoint() { return (y^2) == ((x^3) + a*(x^2) + b*x); }
void listpoint() {
if( isPoint() ) printf("Yes\n");
else printf("No!\n");
Curve383187 operator + (Curve383187 ca) {
auto copy = *this; // copy of this
return copy.selfadd(ca);
Curve383187 operator * (modNumber n) {
auto copy = *this; // copy of this
return copy.scale(n); // return new object
Curve383187& selfadd(Curve383187 g) { // R = P + Q
auto s = (y - g.y)/(x - g.x); // slope = (y - Gy)/(x - Gx)
x = (s^2) - x - g.x - a; // x = s2 - x - Gx - a
y = s*(g.x - x) - g.y; // y = s*(Gx - x) - Gy
return *this; // return c object
Curve383187& scale(modNumber num) {
int k = 1024; // number of bits
if (num == 0) { printf("Error, scale num is 0"); return *this; }
while (k-- > 0) if (num.testBit(k)) break;// scan to MSB
auto gx = x;
auto gy = y;
while (k-- > 0){// Double And Add algorithm to scale G(x,y)
// Doubler slope = ( 3x2 + 2ax + b)/(2y)
auto px = x; // save x to caculate y
auto s = ((x^2)*3 + a*x*2 + b)/(y*2);
x = (s^2) - x*2 - a; // x = s2 - 2x - a
y = s*(px - x) - y; // y = s * (px - x) - py
if (num.testBit(k)) { // Adder slope = (y - Gy)/(x-Gx)
s = (y - gy)/(x - gx); // slope = (y - Gy)/(x - Gx)
x = (s^2) - x - gx - a; // x = s2 - x - Gx - a
y = s*(gx - x) - gy; // y = s*(Gx - x) - Gy
return *this; // return self object
const BigInteger Curve383187 :: p = (BigInteger("2",10)^383) - BigInteger("187",10); // static member must be init outside
int main(){
auto keyA = (BigInteger("9",10)^87) - BigInteger("65",10); // Alice pickup a key
auto keyB = (BigInteger("4")^32) - BigInteger("10",10); // Bob pickup a key
auto key = keyA*keyB; // share key nobody knowns
auto pubA = Curve383187(keyA); // Alice send public key to Bob
auto pubB = Curve383187(keyB); // Bob send public key to Alice
auto keyECC= Curve383187(key); // Caculate the ECC of the secret to double check
auto Alice = pubB * keyA; // Alice use self key to decode pubB sent from Bob
auto Bob = pubA * keyB; // Bob use self key to decode pubA sent from Alice
keyECC.listpoint(); // should be the same;
Alice.listpoint() ; // Alice decode
Bob.listpoint() ; // Bob decode