// z.c
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define nearZero 1e-9
struct Cpxnum { // 自訂的複數類型
double r,i; // 實部與虛部
Cpxnum(double x=0, double y=0){ r=x; i=y;}//建構式
Cpxnum operator + (Cpxnum other) { // 加法
double x = r + other.r;
double y = i + other.i;
return Cpxnum(x,y);
Cpxnum operator - (Cpxnum other) { // 減法
double x = r - other.r;
double y = i - other.i;
return Cpxnum(x,y);
Cpxnum operator * (Cpxnum other) { // 乘法
double x = r * other.r - i * other.i;
double y = r * other.i + i * other.r;
return Cpxnum(x,y);
Cpxnum operator / (Cpxnum other) { // 除法
double den = other.r * other.r + other.i * other.i ;
if( den > nearZero ) { // to prevent divided by zero, other's length must be larger than 0 !!
double x = (r * other.r + i * other.i)/den;
double y = (i * other.r - r * other.i)/den;
return Cpxnum(x,y);
return Cpxnum(0,0); // TODO: raise an exception!!
void dump(){ // 列印複數實部加虛部
if( abs(r) <= nearZero ) printf("%+fi\n",i);
else if( abs(i) <= nearZero ) printf("%+f\n",r);
else printf("%+f + %fi\n",r,i);
int main(){
Cpxnum a = Cpxnum(1,3); // a = 1 + 3i
Cpxnum b = Cpxnum(2,3); // b = 2 + 3i
(a + b) . dump();
(a - b) . dump();
(a * b) . dump();
(a / b) . dump();
用 g++ 編譯並執行 g++ z.c && ./a.out
+3.000000 + 6.000000i
-7.000000 + 9.000000i
+0.846154 + 0.230769i