// 自訂一個操作字串的類型 str.c
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
template<class T>
class superBuffer {
private:// hide member, invisible for any other class except friend class
unsigned msize; // length to allocate
T* address;// pointer to the buffer
public: // public for everyone
const unsigned &length = msize; // length is read only for public access, it's alias of msize
T* const &array = address;// array (not *array) is read only, it's alias of address
~superBuffer() { if (address != nullptr) delete [ ] address; }
superBuffer(unsigned len){ msize = len; address = new T [msize+1]; } // 1 more space to fill EOS
class strBuffer: public superBuffer<char> {
unsigned size; // # of char in-use
void flush() {size = 0; array[0] = 0;}
strBuffer(int len): superBuffer(len) {flush() ; }
strBuffer & operator ~ (void) {flush() ; return *this;}
strBuffer & operator - (unsigned len) {if (size >= len) size -= len; array[size]=0; return *this;}
strBuffer & operator + (const char *src){ return (*this)(src); }
strBuffer & operator + (strBuffer &msg) { return (*this)(msg.array); }
strBuffer & operator ()(const char *fmt,...){
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
size += vsprintf(array + size, fmt, args);
return *this;
strBuffer & dump(){
printf("%s\n", array);
return *this;
int main( ) {
auto str = strBuffer(100); // 產生一個字串, 長度 100 的物件
(str + ", append a string\n" ).dump(); // 用符號 + 加入字串
(~str)("del previous string\n").dump();// 用符號 ~ 刪除前面字串
str("append formated string :%d\n", 3).dump(); // 用雙小括號加入格式化字串
需要注意 ( ) 運算符號優先順序比 ~ 的運算符號優先順序高, 如果要求順序時, 可以用雙小括號將它括起來. 用 g++ str.c && ./a.out 編譯並執行
, append a string
del previous string
del previous string
append formated string :3