2016年9月3日 星期六

測試RSA 演算法的兩個質數(p及q),當加解密p或q時是否仍正確

用Euler theorem 證明 RSA 演算法時, 有個缺陷:當想要加解密的整數值若剛好等於所挑選的兩個質數p或q, 因為 n=p*q, 所以GCD(p,n)=p, 且GCD(q,n)=q, 並非是 1,造成Euler theorem並不適用. 用Java寫個程式驗證看看,在 1~100 整數裏面, 任取兩個質數來測試,到底加解密是否仍然可行,底下是原始碼,若加解密過程出現不相等情況就會印出錯誤訊息,經測試結果顯示,任何選取兩個小於 100 的質數乘積所形成的整數空間Z={x|x < (p*q)},當將它用RSA演算法來將該所選取的質數拿去加解密,仍然是適用的.或許可以直接就認定任取兩個質數(p,q)下面式子是成立的:
    p^(ed) mod n = p -- (1)
    q^(ed) mod n = q -- (2)
    其中 n = p*q,   φ = (p-1) * (q-1), (e*d) mod φ =1, 1 < e < φ
另外測試程式顯示結果可以發現 e 是有機會等於 d 的, 如果用這組key (e,d) 加解密到底安不安全的?我也不知道

 // RSA algorithm: // ( p, q) are two prime number // step1: n = p*q // step2: φ = (p-1) * (q-1) // step3: choose e : 1 < e < φ, GCD(e,φ) =1 to guarantee d exist // step4: calculate d: e*d mod n = 1 // step5: encode and decode // step5a: encode p and decode through: ( p^e )^d mod(n) to see if equals to p // step5b: encode q and decode through: ( q^e)^d mod(n) to see if equals to q import java.io.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Base64; class TestRSA { private static boolean isPrime(int n) { if ( n % 2 == 0 ) return false; for(int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) { if(n%i==0) return false; } return true; } private static boolean coprime(int a, int m) { int r; while ( m > 0 ) { r = a % m; a = m; m = r; } if( a==1 ) return true; else return false; } private static int modinv(int d, int n) { int a,q,r,tf; int tt = 0; int ts = 1; a = n; while ( d > 0 ) { q = a / d; tf = tt - q *ts ; tt = ts; ts = tf; r = a % d; a = d; d = r; } if (a != 1) return 0; return ( tt + n) % n; } public static void main(String[ ] args ) { List < Integer > prime = new ArrayList < Integer > ( ); for(int i = 1; i < 100; i ++ ) { if( isPrime(i) ) prime.add(i); }
for(int pp : prime ) { boolean test = true; BigInteger p = new BigInteger(""+pp); for(int qq:prime ) { if( pp==qq ) continue ; BigInteger q = new BigInteger(""+qq); int nn = pp*qq; // step 1: n = p*q BigInteger n = new BigInteger(""+nn); int φ = (pp-1)*(qq-1); // step 2: φ = (p-1) * (q-1) for(int ee=2; ee <φ; ee ++){// step 3: choose e such that 1 < e < φ and gcd(e,φ) =1
if( coprime(ee, φ) ) { BigInteger e = new BigInteger(""+ee); int dd = modinv(ee, φ); // step 4: d = modinv(e,φ); BigInteger d = new BigInteger(""+dd); BigInteger py = p.modPow(e,n); // step 5a: py = p^e mod n , px =py^d mod n BigInteger px = py.modPow(d,n); // decode py BigInteger qy = q.modPow(e,n); // step 5b: pq= q^e mod n , qx =pq^d mod n BigInteger qx = qy.modPow(d,n); // decode qy String text="(p,q) mod n =("+pp+","+qq+") mod "+nn+":enc-dec:("+px.toString()+","+qx.toString()+")\t(e,d) mod φ =("+ee+","+dd+") mod "+φ; if( ee==dd ) text = text +"\tsame (e=d)"; if( ! ( q.toString().equals(qx.toString()) && p.toString().equals(px.toString()) ) ) { text = text +"\tError!"; test = false; System.out.println(text); } } // key pair exist

} // for all the key pair (e,d) need to test } // for all the prime number need to test if( test ) System.out.println(""+pp+"->全正確"); else System.out.println(""+pp+"->錯誤!!"); }// end of test loop

} // end of main }// end of TestRSA
